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Volume 1

Jason Weiss

Apr 30, 2023

Happiness; Why Does It Matter?

The pursuit of happiness is a noble endeavor, but it can also be a trap. Happiness is not always present in the most significant moments of our lives. In those moments, we may feel anxious, intimidated, and uncertain. But these emotions are part of the human experience, and they often lead us to do the things that truly matter. If we only chase happiness, we will never leave our comfort zone. We will keep reliving the same predictable yesterday, never daring to step into the unknown. But what if we follow our curiosity instead? What if we say yes to the tiny internal clues that nudge us towards new experiences? These things that pique our interest are not random; they are pointing us towards where we need to go.

In addition to curiosity, we should also consider our life's purpose. Why are we here? What is our "why"? If we were to write our own obituary, what would it say? These questions help us connect with our first principles, our guiding values that shape our lives.

The pursuit of our life's purpose is not a fixed path. Just like the North Star, it moves and changes as we grow and evolve. Pursuing our curiosity will inevitably change us, taking us off the path we have followed in the past and introducing us to new ways of being in the world. But as long as we choose this intentionally, there is nothing wrong with changing our direction.

Leaving behind what feels comfortable to pursue what is uncomfortable is not easy. But it is in these moments of discomfort and uncertainty that all things that never existed are created. It is where we find our true potential and become the best versions of ourselves. So instead of chasing happiness, let us follow our curiosity and embrace the unknown.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self Reliance

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